Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4th

Yes, I missed yesterdays post.  Sorry! 
But I sat here last night with these words typed:
Today, i am thankful for......................
And I just couldn't narrow it down.  You know, I have so many things in my life to be so thankful for.  And everyday, I just want to say how grateful I am for my husband and sons.  they are SO wonderful.  And I am so grateful I get to share my life with them! 
But I do have so many more!  But it's hard to just say it!

Today, I want to say that I'm thankful for my sister!  She is 6 1/2 years older than me.  Growing up, we were never really that close.   But, now as we've gotten older (her far more older than me :D  LOL)it seems as if we have become quite close.  And I'm so thankful for that!  It is so nice to chat with her on facebook.  And text back and forth, usually everyday.  And it is wonderful to call each other!  I'm so thankful we  can call each other and ask each other for advice, vent to each other, or just talk about non-sensical things.  It's so fun having a sister, and I'm so grateful for her!  I do regret one thing though ~ and that would be that we don't live close to each other so the times we get to see each other are really too few and far between.  But I'm so thankful for the technology we have today to be able to keep in practically constant contact.

What are you thankful for today?

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