Sunday, January 8, 2012

this week

:'(  This week, Jesse is gone for a few weeks doing some training.  He is going to be the Ground Defense instructor where he works, so he has to go to an "instructing the instructor" class, then for the last week and a half will be nothing but ground defense.  He likes that sort of stuff, but the class is going to wreck him.  Or so he says ;)  So, he is on his way to Little Rock right now.  Should be landing soon.

I hate it when he has to leave for stuff like this.  I can survive.  I carry on, but I truly do miss him.  Although, I look at the positive ~ you know, I don't have to shave my legs as much, get to have the bed completely to myself all those nights, I don't have to get out of my pajama's, and the clincher ~ Dinner can be cereal Ever. Single. Night.  :D  Yeah, Buddy!  So, Jesse, you have any more training you can do there, dear?!  LOL

Of course there are the downfalls ~ 24/7 non-stop of mommy and me time with my guys.  I guarantee they don't always look forward to these times :/  They actually asked me if I could go and dad could stay here.  And let me tell ya, I would be more than willing, but I don't think I could pass myself off as Jesse McCoy ;)  Nor could I survive Ground Defense training!!!!

Well, last week I know I mentioned I was taking the Gentleness  challenge with Courtney (and many other women around the country) at women living well.

I cannot tell you how much I am appreciating all the encouragement and camaraderie I feel doing it.  It's nice to know that I am not alone with this.  I am just praying I can exercise gentleness more to my boys this week.  I did okay last week.  I lost it a couple times, today being one of those days.  But, I am trying.  It's good for me!  And it's great for my guys!

So, for right now, that's all.  Hope you all have a marvelous week!  I'll probably blog a lot this week ;)

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